Unix Squeak - Archives
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 1. Archaeology

Previous and ancient releases (all the way back to the very first Unix port of 1.13) are still available, just in case they might be useful to somebody. Each version is bundled into a single tar file containing the image and changes files, the virtual machine sources, and (possibly) some precompiled virtual machines. Ambitious time travellers might need to download SqueakV1.sources.gz or SqueakV2.sources.gz separately.

 2. Development sources

I occasionally make modifications to the Unix sources between releases (to fix minor bugs, add experimental features, extend the makefiles for a new platform, or to quietly add things that make Jitter integration easier) without announcing the changes on the Squeak mailing list. Since it makes little difference to me where I keep my ``working'' copies of the Unix sources, I've put them in a directory that is visible from the Web. Note that the contents are likely to change frequently and without warning, there is stuff in there that isn't explained anywhere, and that the only organisational principle is ``rational chaos''. Abandon all hope, ye who enter.

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