This directory contains the entire too chain that I am using to compile Squeak for Win32. It is provided as REFERENCE so that you don't have to dig the entire web for exactly this version of (for instance) the MINGW headers and libs or where to find the headers and libs for DirectX (etc etc etc). Contents: ========= * binutils * gawk-3.0.3 * make-3.77 * mingw-crtdll * gcc-2.95.2-1 Installation: ============= Step 1: Extract everything you have into C:\ (make sure the directory structure stays intact) Step 2: Add "C:\GNUTools\bin" to your PATH environment variable in autoexec.bat, e.g., add something like PATH = %PATH%;C:\GNUTools\bin at the end of autoexec.bat. Reboot your machine (sorry). Step 3: Open a command shell cd into the src\win32 directory type "build" and watch magic happening ;-)