To get to the preferences, run Squeak, press F2 or go to the system menu and choose "VM preferences". Here is the list of preferences and what they do:
- mouse mapping: This menu describes how to (re)map
various mouse buttons
- 1 button mouse
Simulates a one-button mouse; all mouse
buttons are mapped to the primary button
- 3 button mouse
Swaps handling of middle and right mouse
- security settings: Enables/disables access to various
resources on your system.
- Allow file access
If enabled, the VM will grant access
to files anywhere on your system.
If disabled, the VM will enforce "sandbox rules" - no files outside
the untrusted directory (typically "C:\My Squeak") will be accessible
- Allow image writes
If disabled, the image cannot be
saved (to prevent persistent modifications)
- Allow socket access
If disabled, sockets cannot be
used from Squeak.
- display and sound: Changes various aspects of how display
and sound are handled
- Use DirectSound
If enabled, Squeak will use DirectSound
instead of the (outdated) Win32 sound functions. This option only
takes affect after the sound system has been shut down and restarted
(you may want to quit and restart Squeak).
- Use OpenGL (instead of D3D)
This preference controls
the default 3D hardware acceleration API to use with Squeak. If
enabled, Squeak will use OpenGL, if disabled Squeak will use
Direct3D. This option will only take effect after restarting Squeak.
- Defer display update (obsolete)
Controls whether the VM
tries to defer display updates in order to accumulate changes and be
more efficient.
- system configuration: Handles some of the integration aspects
of Squeak on Windows
- Reduce CPU usage
If enabled, the VM tries to (agressively)
reduce the CPU usage of Squeak.
- Reduce background CPU usage
If enabled, the VM tries to
(aggressively) reduce the CPU usage of Squeak if it is not the active
- Thread priority boost
If enabled, the VM uses a slightly
increased priority for its main process in order to handle time-critical
operations (such as sound synthesis with short latencies) more
- Printer configuration...
Opens the Windows printer
configuration dialog for the default printer used by some primitives.
- debug options: Various options for debug purposes
- case sensitive files (New for 3.5.1)
Enforces strict file name matching by the VM (useful for debugging
cross-platform file handling). This slows down all operations which
deal with file names.
- show output console
Opens or closes the VMs console
window which contains error, debug, or other log information.
- show console on errors
If enabled, the VMs console
will be opened automatically if an error is logged
- show allocation activity
If enabled, the VM will log
information about growing and/or shrinking Squeak's object memory.
- dump network state
Dumps the current state of all sockets
in the console.
- dump call stack
Dumps the call stack of the currently
active process in the console.
- display version information
Displays information about
the VM, its build number, compiler etc.